Harvard Taiwan Arts Festival: REVEAL

Taiwan Arts Festival Flyer - November 13 - 22, 2019 - Events & Reception

Taiwan is a beautiful island known as Formosa. It is not only rich in geographic variety and biodiversity, but also diverse in its communities, cultures, and local craftsmanship that showcase the open and embracive quality of the people and the society.

The first Taiwan Arts Festival in Boston titled “Reveal” seeks to provide a platform for artwork inspired by Taiwan. Sharing inspirations, the selected artwork display and uncover both similarities and differences of cultural influences and creative expression through the forms of painting, photography, music, architecture, and archaeology. Through this exhibition, we hope to bring viewers from all backgrounds to experience the diversity and complexity of Taiwanese culture.

As the very first Taiwan Arts Festival in Boston, we invited some young artists currently or recently reside in Boston with backgrounds in architecture, painting, photography, archaeology, and music. The design of the exhibition space were inspired by the omnipresent building elements in the cities in Taiwan-- corrugated metal-- as the share medium to draw connections to all the artworks. Using clear corrugated boards instead, the exhibition space juxtaposes all the artworks and seeks to create relatable dialogues through the transparency of the layout. Within the exhibition, the folded corrugated surfaces of the displaying modules physically and metaphorically reveal the art and culture in Taiwan.